Zambia has around 17.5m people
The capital, Lusaka, is in the south central part of the country, where most of the people live.
Located in the south central of Africa it is landlocked and bordered by
North: Democratic Republic of the Congo
North-east: Tanzania
East: Malawi
South: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia
West: Angola
Languages: 46 individual languages, 37 of which are indigenous. English is the official language though only 2% of the people speak it as a first language. 33.5% of the people speak Bemba as a first language.
I love you in Bemba:
Niwe natemwa
Nalikutemwa (sg)
Nalimutemwa (pl)
I found some really cool music in Bemba. And there seems to be a lot more cool Bemba music out there so check it out.
Today my AP (Animated Professor) is a dahlia of which I have many because I go to the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park every year. I have throw pillow, tote bags, shirts, scarves...etc. with my dahlias on them. Currently I am into designing flowers with blackish background which I think look pretty darn smart.